Dock Stories: Bruce Blackway of Blackway Boat Models

Bruce Blackway, founder and owner of Blackway Boat Models, knows how to follow his passion and even turn it into a thriving business. Read more to learn about the time and care he spends ensuring his customers get the ultimate historically-accurate Chesapeake Bay boat models.

Dock Stories: Jim Davis of Chesapeake Soul

A man sits on a dock with a fishing rod, enjoying the serene Chesapeake Bay, as featured in Dockshare's #Dockstories series.

Jim Davis of Chesapeake Soul apparel is a local artist and entrepreneur. His work is inspired by his lifelong love of the Chesapeake Bay community. We’re excited to tell his story in our #Dockstories series, and we know his passion will inspire you.

Dock Stories: Stephanie Ritz Photography

Stephanie Ritz with her camera ready to capture a waterscape.

Stephanie Ritz is a talented photographer based in Annapolis, Maryland. Read about her love for photography and learn where you can see her work featured in Maryland.