Dock Stories: Stephanie Ritz
Our #Dockstories series wouldn’t be complete without featuring the story and work of Annapolis photographer, Stephanie Ritz. Keep reading to learn about her love for photography and all things Annapolis.

As a local Annapolis Photographer,
I have immense gratitude to call home such a gorgeous capture of the beauty our land and sea creates. I’ve loved taking pictures since I took my first photograph with my dad’s polaroid camera. I’m inspired by the love I have for all things nature and all things coastal. Born in Las Angeles, raised on the shores of Southern Virginia, Annapolis is my home.
My work has been featured on local Instagrams,
such as the Chesapeake Bay Foundation and Visit Maryland. I’ve given licensing approval to Visit Maryland for my work to be used in tourist publications used to promote Maryland. A select piece is on display at the Flag House Inn in Downtown Annapolis. Recently, my work was included at a pop up shop in the Annapolis Towne Center.
Please visit my website and Instagram for more coastal imagery.
– Stephanie Ritz
Visit Stephanie’s website and Instagram here: