Meet the Dockshare Crew: Lauren Pearlowitz
Happy Pride Month! Introducing Our Wonderfully Amazing Queer Lauren Pearlowitz

Kohl’s Amazon line is not the place anyone expects to meet a business partner! But our founder Nate Young just so happened to be behind Lauren Pearlowitz at the right time to overhear a discussion about app development. The two struck up a conversation about Nate’s new business idea, Dockshare, and since then, Lauren has become an integral part of getting Dockshare on the water. Here’s a little look into Lauren’s life!
What has been your experience with Dockshare?
I met Nate in the Amazon return line at Kohl’s. I was talking to the Kohl’s employee about the app they were using to process the return. I shared my interest with them because I work in app development. Nate overheard my conversation and stepped out of line when I was done to talk with me about Dockshare. I could instantly hear his passion for the problem he was trying to solve. A couple weeks later, I met Gina when we enjoyed a sushi business date. The rest, as they say, is history. It’s been an honor to be part of this amazing team. I’m incredibly grateful for how much Gina and Nate support the team and appreciate and seek out diversity. It’s unique and wonderful.
What are your roles and responsibilities with Dockshare?
As the product manager for Dockshare, I worked on the original requirements and design. I then worked with Adam, our amazingly talented developer, to create the Dockshare platform. I’m constantly working on requirements and mockups for all enhancements and several long-term projects as well. While my focus is on product, I also help with many operational tasks, from working with our fantastically brilliant interns, handling support from our users, updating our website, and much more.
What does pride look like to you as part of the LGBTQ community?
One of the main things I pride myself on is just living my life as a queer person as openly and publicly as possible. I want people to feel safe coming to me and talking with me whether it’s because they are going through their own coming out journey, they want to hear our love story and how we had Brixton (our daughter), or they are just trying to learn and find out how they can be more of an ally for the LGBTQ community. There’s truly no better feeling for me than when I can help someone live their truth. I’m amazed by the number of times people have said how much they appreciate seeing me out in the workplace and how that gives them the confidence to be out at work too.
How do you spend your free time?
In my free time, I’m often negotiating with my four year old. Our win rate is split pretty evenly. 😉 My wife and I are always looking for fun things to do with our daughter. Currently we enjoy going to new playgrounds every weekend, playing outside with bubbles and other types of water activity. I enjoy hanging out with family and friends. My wife and I also enjoy binge watching shows. Our latest show addition was Grace and Frankie, and we are looking forward to the next season!
Lauren brings dedication and a fun spirit to Dockshare every day and we would not be the same without them! Their work in the company and the LGBTQ community is inspiring to everyone that meets them and we are so thankful for that chance encounter at Kohl’s!
To learn more about our team members, return back to our series, Meet the Dockshare Crew, on our blog pag