Dockshare: New Platform Connecting Boaters with Private Dock Owners
Husband and wife, Nate and Gina Young, grew up in families with access to boats.
And still to this day, the couple who own an Ocean Pines home, are water enthusiasts.
But they’ve faced a problem when taking out their boat.
“You know we always have these grand ideas about where we want to go and what we want to do, but it seems like there is never a guarantee that when you show up, a dock will be available,” Nate Young, co-founder, said.
That inspired them to come up with the idea, Dockshare.
The online platform connects people with private dock owners to rent their docks.
We’re told boaters sometimes have to plan in advance and rely on other sources to access private dock rentals.
This solves that problem.
This story originally appeared on WMDT on June 11, 2021. To read the full article click here.